jag har sagt det förut, och det tåls att sägas igen. gym class heroes' 'don't tell me it's over' är guld. lyricsen finns där nere, ta er tid att läsa tkr jag! helgen kommer spenderas med vänner och slinga håret, men nu ska jag snart till marieberg, först måste jag kila upp en våning och sjunga med i alla fina julsånger som mamma spelar 24/7 nu för tiden. skriver senare. ciao.

hey mr. internet
to whom it may piss off, yea you and you
here's a list of shit you didn't know but now you do
exploit my bad habits
tell them I do drugs
tell them travie smokes more crack than tyrone biggums does
tell them I can't rap
tell them I dumb it down
tell them not to buy tickets whenever my band's in town
tell them I sold out, say I did it for the fame
and how I buy magazines for the sake of seeing my name
tell them I how frequent parties trying to get that page 6
tell them so and so said so and so saw pictures of my dick
make me out to be an asshole that don't deserve his fans
make me more insecure than I already am
kick dirt on my accomplishments if you're ever bored
just document it well and don't forget to hit record
one hit wonder my ass, what are you talking about
let them keep bogging trash im gonna take the garbage out


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