just dont look at her ass, EAT IT!
det här är texten av ett hidden track av patrick. he's just talking and other nice shit.
'know something, i got rage, i got a rage like no other mother fucker nose. come of thinking of, im gonna make 'em bald, and make 'em sweat [assege]. and i think i'm gonna give them wierd bladder problems, and romantic problems. you know what? the whole thing! i've already said that fucking thing you missed it. [your own fault], keith. eyes on the price, focus! don't just look at her ass, eat it! my badge, my witness, og shit. uhh. ööh. calm before the storm, fuck it, mjauuu, mjauu, oh!, no. aaaah, buuuh, what's so funny about it, i don't get it. man, you've never heard of a falcon? its the ship castle run[......]'
ni märker ju mina engelska skills. NOT
det här är verkligen ngt man måste höra för han använder jättemånga olika röster, haha
'know something, i got rage, i got a rage like no other mother fucker nose. come of thinking of, im gonna make 'em bald, and make 'em sweat [assege]. and i think i'm gonna give them wierd bladder problems, and romantic problems. you know what? the whole thing! i've already said that fucking thing you missed it. [your own fault], keith. eyes on the price, focus! don't just look at her ass, eat it! my badge, my witness, og shit. uhh. ööh. calm before the storm, fuck it, mjauuu, mjauu, oh!, no. aaaah, buuuh, what's so funny about it, i don't get it. man, you've never heard of a falcon? its the ship castle run[......]'
ni märker ju mina engelska skills. NOT
det här är verkligen ngt man måste höra för han använder jättemånga olika röster, haha